Sunday, December 6, 2009

Peachtree Toolbox: The Report Button

A few weeks ago I was tasked with creating training for my fellow staff members in Peachtree and QuickBooks. Both trainings were wonderful and the staff now has a better understanding of the programs they sometimes need to use.

As I was creating the training for Peachtree I noticed something that I had not noticed before. In pretty much every dialogue box, there is an option to print reports. If you are working on a vendor there are options to print a variety of vendor specific reports. I was surprised that I really had not noticed this before, then again, one of the benefits of teaching others is you learn something yourself.

Now that I know that these reports are handy, I have a tendency to use them more than I had before. They are handy especially if I want to know what is going on behind the scenes or just want an update on something.
Peachtree really did a great job of integrating options with all of their screens and dialogue boxes.

David Chermak provides support for QuickBooks and Peachtree to the staff and clients of Komisar Brady & Co. He has expertise in both products and can help you with getting the most out of your accounting software. David can be reached at

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